Friday, September 25, 2009

Bad Neighborhoods in NYC, a color coded map

Was going through one of the NYC boards and came across a post asking

Can anyone have a map of NYC with bad neighborhoods colored in?

You know, so I can know where to avoid.

Some of the responses follow

for some reason,this query
has me LM@O.
same here- LOL!!! And you have to admit that it's a very reasonable request. Hey I too would want one for my kitchen wall to study it, as well as one showing me which neighborhood restaurants keep failing to meet health code standards. Heck, why not just put them together on the same map? Call it the "The Newcomers Map to New York's Bad Neighborhoods & Bad Restaurants".

Call me crrrrrrazy...but I have a feeling that the chances of you just going about your tourist-y business and then stumbling into a rough hood in Brooklyn or the Bronx is fairly slim. Especially if you're just chilling in Manhattan. You probably have a better chance of some crusty punks on St. Marks stealing your wallet. The only thing that's gonna mug you is taxes.
So I thought I would help

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