Monday, November 28, 2005

Steel prices and the Bush Administration Tariffs

If you care about housing prices in NYC you would care about the price of building here. We have a lot of arcane rules that inflate the cost of building. Politics being what it is changing most of these rules would be close to impossible. However there are some things that can be done. The price of steel has gone up incredibly, mostly due to increased energy costs, but also due to tariffs put in by the Bush administration in an effort to win over union votes.

We in NYC are being hurt by these higher steel prices. Housing and office space becomes more expensive -- raising the cost of business and increasing prices for all of us. It makes it harder on the poor and is a disincentive for businesses and the middle class to stay in NYC. Our congresspeople and senators, along with congresspeople from other major cities ought to be doing what they can for their constituency and work to remove these tariffs.

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